Evidence of Our Learning

Evidence of Our Learning


In early spring 2010 a call to action was made for change at Fern Bacon Middle School. The incoming principal conducted focus groups with students and staff; held department meetings and one-on-one meetings with key staff; and collected qualitative data by surveying students, staff, and parents. Subsequent analysis of student performance data and SQR findings predicated the structure of the program and selected curriculum. A collaborative leadership team including the principal, vice principals, instructional training specialists, site staff, and parent volunteers began planning the summer pre-service and professional development that would lay the foundation for the school’s “New Era of Excellence.” During the August pre-service that year, members of the teaching staff led colleagues through a data analysis protocol and strategic visioning session to help identify school priorities. These priorities became the essence of the school’s vision and continue to provide the overarching frame for school improvement. As a result, Fern Bacon made significant academic growth and gained 146 API points in three years on the CST.

Moving forward, a strong foundation has been laid at Fern Bacon Middle School. The transition into a new system of accountability has been seamless with an increase of proficiency in our SBAC scores in both English Language Arts and Mathematics. Fern Bacon Middle School was recently honored with CORE’s 2019 Academic Growth Award for three (3) consecutive years of high academic growth in both ELA and Math. This high impact badge is based on a growth model for every student and reflects consistent work among educators to provide extraordinary classroom instruction. Our work continues to be integrated, interdependent, interactive, and inter-related to ensure congruence between teaching and learning. As a true learning organization, we will reach our vision by aligning our work to produce college/career ready students, strengthening family and community engagement, and fostering organizational transformation for continuous improvement.

Our School Wide Outcome Goals

1.  Fern Bacon will cultivate an environment of high expectations for student achievement and conduct.

2. Fern Bacon will define a high level of rigor that will be evident in student work and daily instruction grounded in high-leverage, research-based strategies.

3. Fern Bacon teams will use data and the Cycle of Inquiry process to drive planning and assess the efficacy of instruction.

4. Fern Bacon will work continuously to improve our effectiveness by cultivating a culture which is grounded in individual accountability, collaboration, and reflective practice. 

5. Fern Bacon will engage parents to be active partners in their child’s eduction. 

School Plan for Student Achievement


The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a document that represents a school’s cycle of continuous improvement of student performance. The annual process of developing, reviewing, and updating the SPSA includes a comprehensive review of data and the development of actions necessary to achieve school goals. The plan also addresses funding and proposed expenditures related to state and federal categorical programs and the overall goals of our District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).

School Accountability Report Card


The purpose of the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school. To download a copy of the SARC, click the language next to the name of the school (additional languages will be added soon). Also, upon request, a copy may be obtained from the school (Education Code §§ 35256, 51101).