


OPEN HOUSE 2023-2024

School News

We’ll be hosting Open House this Thursday, May 23rd from 5:30 PM to 7 PM.  Please join us this evening to join in the academic accomplishments of your child this school year.  We’ll start in the Quad at 5:30 PM with hot dogs and chips.  Classroom visits start at 6 PM and end at 7 PM.  This is a time to visit with all teachers and staff at Fern Bacon Middle School.  We hope to see you here at Fern Bacon Middle School Thursday, May 23rd from 5:30 PM to 7 PM. 

Signs of Suicide Awareness Presentations

School News

Good evening Families of Fern Bacon Middle School.  This is Mrs. Coronado calling to let you know that a very important notice went home with your child today during 6th period.  In accordance to state law, AB 2246, our school counselors will be educating all students on suicide awareness and prevention.  The goal is to teach students that they can help themselves or a friend by simply talking to a responsible adult.  If you are in support of this program, you do not need to do anything.