Family Resources
Family Resources
One of our key areas that drives our work as a Priority School is a clear focus on Parent & Family Engagement. At Fern Bacon Middle School we will develop strong links with parents in order to engage them as partners in the education of their child.
The Sacramento Family Unity, Education, and Legal Network for Immigrants is a coalition of over 80 local non-profits, religious organizations, law school immigration clinics, businesses, local pro bono attorneys, educators, and other community partners. The FUEL Network is dedicated to serving the legal, information, and health needs of Sacramento’s immigrant and refugee population.
Fern Bacon Parent Report
2nd Quarter 2023-2024
Please read and review the attached 2nd Quarter report from our Principal, Mary Coronado
Fern Bacon Parent Report
1st Quarter 2023-2024
Please read and review the attached 1st Quarter report from our Principal, Mary Coronado.
Bulldog Cafe
Parent Forum
We value your feedback, comments, and your participation. Parents are invited and welcome to join us monthly to receive the latest news and events on campus. Bulldog Cafe is the time for parents to hear about instructional programs, gain instructional data knowledge, learn strategies to assist their children, ask questions and/or share concerns that will positively impact student academic achievement.
Monitor Your Child’s Progress
The District’s Online Parent Portal organizes many of Infinite Campus’ features into a format that is easy for parents to navigate. It can be accessed via the smartphone app, a mobile device or computer and was created to empower parents and guardians with real-time access to your student’s records and other important announcements. The portal is designed to allow parents/guardians to see student’s class progress and activities, increase communication with teachers, and to provide the information and assistance needed to support a student’s success.
Social Emotional Learning
Skills for Success in School and Life
What are your hopes and dreams for your children and the children in your community?
That they become independent thinkers? Dedicated problem solvers? Excellent communicators? That they are happy, healthy and have fulfilling relationships with others? That they love school?
At SCUSD, we are committed to providing schools that are safe, caring places for children to enjoy learning, be intellectually challenged, make lasting friendships and master essential standards of learning.