School News

FERN BACON OPEN HOUSE, Thursday, 3/13/2025 @ 5:30 PM. Classroom visits begin at 6 PM – 7 PM.


We hope you can join us for Open House this Thursday, March 13th.  We expect rain so we’ll start with hot dogs and chips in the Cafeteria at 5:30 PM.  Classroom visits are from 6 to 7 PM.  Student must attend with a parent.  We encourage families to attend our last Open House as we move forward to build our new school.  Mrs. Coronado will share plans and information for next school year.  We hope to see you here for Open House this Thursday, March 13, 2025. 


High School Specialty Program (HSSP) Application Process UPDATE
Week of 11/12 via Messenger


Good evening families of Fern Bacon Middle School,

This is a reminder that the High School Specialty Program application closes next Friday, August 22 @ 5 PM.  Please know we are here to help families with the application process on Tuesday, 11/19 and Wednesday, 11/20 from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM.  We have computers available for you and people for translation if needed.  

If you are applying to West Campus, you must apply online by Friday, August 22nd.  If you have any questions, please ask Mrs. Menefee.  

Parent News & Events
Week of October 7, 2024


Good evening Families of Fern Bacon Middle School,

Please take a minute to be updated with several important Parent Events happening next week:  

On Tuesday, October 8th @ 6 PM our district facilities department will be hosting a community meeting here at Fern Bacon in the Cafeteria.  They will have more information on our new school construction.  We will be meeting in the Cafeteria from 6 to 7 PM.  Dinner will be provided.

Fern Bacon Parent News & Events
Week of September 26, 2024


Good evening families of Fern Bacon Middle School,

Please take a minute to listen to the latest news for parent events at Fern Bacon.    

First, our goal this year is to increase our parent & community engagement.  As a community school, we can use your help.  We have multiple opportunities for you to make a difference at your student’s school.  If you’re interested, please fill out this VOLUNTEER FORM.  Volunteer fingerprinting for Fern Bacon parents is at no cost to you.  

Back to School Night Parent Event
Week of September 10, 2024


Good evening Families of Fern Bacon Middle School.  This is Mrs. Coronado, Principal, calling with a very important announcement.  Fern Bacon Middle School will be hosting our Back to School Night for all parents and families this Thursday, September 12 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM.  We’ll start with hot dogs, chips and drinks in the Quad.  Teacher introductions will follow with classroom visits beginning at 5:55 PM.  This is a time for parents to meet all teachers, support staff and administrators at Fern Bacon Middle School.


School News

Good evening Families of Fern Bacon Middle School.  This is Mrs. Coronado calling to let you know that a very important notice went home with your child today during 6th period.  In accordance to state law, AB 2246, our school counselors will be educating all students on suicide awareness and prevention.  The goal is to teach students that they can help themselves or a friend by simply talking to a responsible adult.  If you are in support of this program, you do not need to do anything.



The Staff Parking Lot will be CLOSED during construction due to safety reasons.

Please DO NOT DROP OFF OR PICK UP students in the Staff Parking Lot.  STAFF ONLY.

The designated path of travel around the construction is at the FRONT OF THE SCHOOL on Cuny Avenue. 

The CONES are there for the school bus. 

Please come with patience and kindness during this time.  

If you have any questions, please call our Front Office at (916) 395-5340.

2023-2024 Back to School Night
Thursday, September 21, 2023


Back to School Night at Fern Bacon Middle School will be held Thursday, September 21, 2023.  We’ll begin in the Quad at 5:30 PM with hot dogs, chips and drinks.  Classroom visits begin at 6 PM.  This is a time to meet with your child’s teachers, hear class expectations and learn how your child can have a successful year.  We hope you can join us!